[s-cars] RE: Yet another X-post- Mihnea Custom tuning Session

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Jul 7 07:34:43 EDT 2004

Richard cross posted:

<<<Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 11:20:48 -0400
From: "Richard Harris" <rnharris at bellsouth.net>
Subject: [s-cars] Yet another X-post- Mihnea Custom tuning Session



Damn, Dean makes some rather big shoes to fill.  "Dean provided breakfast,
lots of drinks(lemonade, ginger Ale, beer, Tea, water, etc), food, served as
our parts gopher by driving all over Cleveland to gets parts, tools and
assisted with installing parts."  

Don't hold your breath on me being hostess beoch come 7/24&5.  Nor Jen for
that matter, Pizzo.  Damn you Dean 8-).  

Seriously though, sounds a blast, looking forward to our sessions here.  As
I've told a few others off list, please feel free to come join us either day
if you want to spectate / hang out with other fools, good folks good times.
A number of you already indicated you hope to pop in.  We're 'aiming' for 5
cars both days, we'll be there all weekend really.  Contact me for more

CT home of insanity
'95 //S6 soon to be Mihneaified

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