[s-cars] Re: Bosch Motorsport fuel pump

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Wed Jul 7 12:32:49 EDT 2004

Ray:  Thanks for your help with this.  From what I see, reading between
 the lines, is I should NOT have to run a 044 Motorsport fuel pump if I am
 running under 400 hp (which I should be).  Others have suggested that
 the OEM 091 G pump should be adequate (in a perfect world).  I was
 thinking that the Motorsport pump would be the overkill solution but from
 what I think I am hearing, it would supply too much fuel.  However, I  
don't quite understand this because I thought that as long as the FPR
 controlled the pressure properly and there was sufficient flow to not  
starve the fuel rail, the ECU control of the injectors would limit the fuel
 flow (properly).  Apparently??? I am wrong about this??  Dave F.

>>> "Ray Tomlinson" <ray at s-cars.org> 07/06/04 09:20PM >>>

The Bosch Motorsport pump can supply fuel for 650hp - it flows approximately270lph (liters per hour) at 3.0 bar fuel pressure.  3.0 bar
 fuel pressure(in case you missed it the first time).  The 044 Motorsport  
pump is often used in race 944t's and 993tt's.  Consider this pump if you  
are running injectors larger than 500cc (49lbs), but do not expect fuel  
economy to improve (or even stay the same).

I bought my 044 pump from TJM Motorsport.  If submerging, you'll need to
find a M12x1.25 "check valve cap nut" to use on the supplied check valve.
Standard $5 Porsche part.

Ray Tomlinson

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