[s-cars] Intake Temp Gauge and Tap?

Lewis, Gary M gary.m.lewis2 at boeing.com
Thu Jul 8 13:28:28 EDT 2004

The best setup I could find was a dual aircraft setup.  It showed in and out on a small digital guage.  The company name is Davtron.  The part isn't listed on the website.  But if you are serious, perhaps we can start a group buy with a supplier listed below.  The 2 Porsche suppliers are plug and play, not sure about Davtron.




Charlie had posted some good info here:


Gary Lewis

1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold, RS2 Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold side (Audi Works '999' P/N) with 50mm intake and custom Innovative Turbo compressor wheel), TurboXS Type 25 Bypass Valve, Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big Reds, Spec II Clutch.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cody Payne [mailto:cpayne at bconnected.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 10:00 AM
To: 'S-Car-List (E-mail)
Subject: [s-cars] Intake Temp Gauge and Tap?

	I wanted to see if you had any suggestions on monitoring my intake temps (Post Intercooler and Ambient)?  Any decent gauges out there for this?



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