[s-cars] Re: BMW M3 E36 (JR)
Mike Claire
mclaire_us at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 9 21:55:50 EDT 2004
Bob: I think you hit the nail on the head for me.
I'm a new owner of a '93 S4. Prior to my finding this
car I had been actively looking at M3s. I spotted the
same owner profile as you - (and yes, that joke about
the porcupine did cross my mind).
On the other hand, a 635 CSI or 2002 could be
--- Bob Frizzell <frizzellbob at shaw.ca> wrote:
> I appreciate our urS cars because they are extremely
> practical, easily
> modified, not ostentatious, and most of the owners
> are enthusiasts (as per
> this list). Older BMW's are likely similar but
> where I live newer BMW
> drivers have a reputation, they are the type who
> seem to want to show
> they've acquired some wealth, not always through
> hard work on their part.
> (For example, my son has a friend who's father is a
> lawyer (enough said?).
> He inherited a large sum of money and the first
> thing he did was go out and
> buy a new M3.) One of my hockey playing buddies
> described BMW owners by a
> riddle: What is the difference between a porcupine
> and a BMW? If you don't
> know the answer, ponder it for a while. Of course
> I'm not referring to
> anyone on this list because we're all quite
> obviously automobile
> enthusiasts.
> Bob
> 93 S4
> Past owner of an old BMW 2002.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gabriel Caldwell" <gabriel at ts.bc.ca>
> To: "Alex M" <foralex at gmail.com>;
> <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 5:14 PM
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: BMW M3 E36 (JR)
> Heh. You talk like you've owned and driven both
> cars more than once.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex M [mailto:foralex at gmail.com]
> Sent: July 9, 2004 4:05 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] Re: BMW M3 E36 (JR)
> E36 M3 is my favorite BMW in general. Great brakes,
> great handling,
> good power, very fun to drive. Stock vs Stock,
> performance wise M3
> beats the UrS4 hands down, but if your brother has a
> family and kids
> and needs a little bit more room in the back and has
> tons of snow in
> the winter, then UrS4 is the winner.
> I will own one myself some day.. oops I better stop
> or Dave F. will
> never give me a ride in his RS2'd UrS4 :-P
> Anyways, tell you brother he wont be disappointed
> either way. No
> serious issues with those cars either, just routine
> maintenance. On
> high mileage bimmers the vanos starts making noises,
> but nobody knows
> how long before it completely fails. Until 120+K he
> doesn't have to
> worry about it at all. Another issue was water pump
> and radiator
> failure due to the fact that water early water pumps
> had plastic
> propellers, but a new water pump with metal
> propellers is available
> for 50$ so that should be a big problem either. 98
> and 99 are the best
> years so there wont be much to worry about.
> Ok ok Dave I will stop now :-)
> Regards,
> Xel
> > Message:
> > Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 16:13:22 -0500
> > From: JR <urs4 at magnaspeed.net>
> > Subject: [s-cars] BMW M3 E36
> > To: S-CAR LIST <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> > Message-ID: <40EDB8F2.7040505 at magnaspeed.net>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1;
> format=flowed
> >
> > My brother is looking at a 98 M3 for sale in the
> area. What does the
> > group think of this car in general? How does it
> compare to the URS4?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > JR
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