[s-cars] New noise and less power :- ( - turbo chatter?

James Murray (QB/EMC) james.murray at ericsson.com
Mon Jul 19 13:24:49 EDT 2004

This might help...



-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of chris chambers
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 1:22 PM
To: Russ Panneton; Scar
Subject: Re: [s-cars] New noise and less power :- ( - turbo chatter?

I'm going to re-check everything tonight, but when I rev the throttle
by hand I don't hear anything. Time to make a leak tester, where is the
parts list for the home depot version?


--- Russ Panneton <russ at panneton.name> wrote:

    There are still the small hoses directly beneath the center of
theintake manifold and between the turbo and the cam cover...  


chris chambers wrote:
Russ,I neglected to note that I have Samco turbo hoses and checked for
leaksand didn't find any.ThanksChris--- Russ Panneton
<russ at panneton.name> wrote:  
Chris,The first thing to ALWAYS check for is a torn hose creating a big
airleak.  I can imagine that making the reed like noise you're hearing.
A bad BPV can result in a loss of boost but that failure keeps the air
intake system sealed.Good luck,Russchris chambers wrote:    
Fellow S gurusIt has seemed like I have had less power lately, and this
confirmed when I drove my wife's S4.Also when I have a window or my
sunroof open there is a noise thatsounds like wind blowing over a reed
(does that make sense) and is      
noticeable from 3500 rpm to 4500 rpm.I checked for codes and am getting
2231, which according tosjmautotechnik.com is : "2231 (Blink Fault
Code), VAG1551/2 Fault      
Number 00533 Idle Speed Control, Idle speed adaptation limit      
Sticky ISV, air leak."Could this be the BPV failing/failed? Is it time
for a new      
valve? I also read something earlier about turbo chatter, what doesthat
sound like?input please, the Audi gods are not smiling right now.Thanks
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