[s-cars] Anybody else hate SJM's new website?

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Tue Jul 20 02:38:14 EDT 2004

I feel as if I just lost a good friend.  I just went to Scott Mockry's
website at:


He has changed the entire look.  Maybe its my browser but I couldn't
find anything (I had gone there to look for an answer to Bob Frizzel's
question about the camshaft position sensor connection (the Bentley I
have still thinks the car has a Hall Sender where the distributor used
to be).  I imagined that Scott would have a great picture but there is
no way into the information (that I found) except through a very lame
internal search engine.

I know I shouldn't complain after years of free use of the old site but
it had become something that I counted on for good answers.  Now I don't
think I return to the website again.  Why must there be change for the
sake of change?

Dave F.

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