[s-cars] S4 Won't Start

Karl N. Matthias karmat at matthias.org
Tue Jul 20 13:38:50 EDT 2004


Argh, it's time for another little problem with the '93 S4.  I searched
the archives and didn't find anything satisfactorily related... so here
goes.  My S4 won't start, but the battery is fine, the key turns in the
ignition, and I push-started it to get it home and that all went fine. 
There is no noise at all from the starter, no click from the solenoid,
nothing.  The alarm never went off audibly in the car, but I am guessing
that this problem is either related to the alarm or the clutch lockout
switch.  Anyone know how to reset the alarm if that's the problem or where
to find the clutch switch?  I'm leaning toward the clutch switch because
occasionally I noticed that the car was a little grumpy about starting if
the clutch wasn't completely 100% mashed on the floor.  Any help is
appreciated.  Hopefully it's not the starter. :(  Thanks for the help!


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