[s-cars] Accelerator pedal!!!!!!

jpb3wvu at frontiernet.net jpb3wvu at frontiernet.net
Wed Jul 21 08:44:08 EDT 2004

OK, I hop into my car this morning and find the plastic pedal cover
laying in the middle of the footwell!  I thought I could just pop it
back on and spent 5 min. trying to do so before I realized that the
tiny little strip of plastic was broken and there was no easy pop
backon solution.  Called dealer first thing when I got into the office
and they want $88.00 for a new pedal.  Any BTDT for replacing this
thing w/o shelling out $90 for a piece of plastic????  I searched the
Audiworld forums and found a post of "Hap" saying that he rigged a
hinge or something, any details??  Thanks.


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