[s-cars] Re: Welcome Back Carter... I mean Keith

Keith Maddock keith.maddock at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 09:31:31 EDT 2004

Thanks Paul :)

I will most likely head to CT through Canada - perhaps I can meet up
with some of the Canucks around Niagra falls ? Would sure make that
oh-so-long-and-boring stint across upstate NY more fun :)

Good luck with the Mihnea-ify-ition-ification-ism-ination, tell our
Belgian friend I said hi.  Does anyone know when he returns to


----- Original Message -----
From: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) <wqq2pxk at ups.com>
Seems our good friend Super K Keith Maddock's TRW stint in Koblenz, DE
(and ratbastardly living on der Ring) is sadly nearing to an end next

...now to read his recent //SFest 2004 RSVP of "yes" this a.m...  from
Michigan.  From Oregon, from Germany.  Love it.  Potentially beats
invasion of Team Canada...  naaaaaaa.  Commute with Strangeways

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