[s-cars] Mihnea tuning thoughts / Frankenliner installed
Mike Claire
mclaire_us at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 12:53:47 EDT 2004
Damn, give me at least a *little while* to enjoy what
I just put in yesterday. :) I just installed Bob
Pastore's s/w, which I hear is "a lot like" MTM 1+.
Only minor ping for me at fairly low RPM range. I am
enjoying it immensly.
May I ask what you'd pay to go to Minhea's s/w if you
already have a VMAP installed?
--- "Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)" <WQQ2PXK at ups.com> wrote:
> Well, after our weekend session of stupidity,
> thought I'd reflect a bit.
> 1st... witnessed my intake air temps climb nearly
> sky high after only a few
> WOT runs, hitting a high of 78C I believe. Was
> running sans belly pan (long
> story) for the tuning which didn't help. Another
> K24 car with pan showed
> maybe an 8-10C decreased IAT. Interesting. So much
> so that my pan went
> back on late Sunday (thanks Marc... proved my Dzus
> clips were apparently
> fubar and required pan to be ziptied for now).
> That, and I *finally*
> grafted in a Frankenliner OE IC vent... only been
> meaning to for 2 years
> now. Should make at least some difference in
> prolonging the inevitable
> soaky soak from that crappyass OE IC. If it weren't
> for twins being next on
> my list, FMIC would have been next. Oh well. No
> reason not to do liner
> vent for now... damn, $3 @ Homo Cheapo and about 45
> minutes of no effort,
> but with guaranteed results. My kind of mod.
> 2nd... power delivery thoughts. Wow. Finally had
> some open road time to
> fully exploit the new found changes to my power
> band. It is QUITE
> different. Much much much better... power is very
> linear, boost threshold
> has been lowered dramatically (like 2,700). Gone is
> the transient throttle
> 'tip in' I used to have to do to the throttle (feed
> in throttle as revs
> climb initially to avoid ping). Bye bye. Stuff the
> loud pedal and go. And
> tons more pull after 5,800, used to get rather flat
> up there nearing 6,200.
> Esp. in 4th / 5th damn, car pulls like a muther up
> in that tach range now,
> solidly to 7,200. Not like RS2 pull, different, but
> satisfying nonetheless.
> Pull in 6th is also silly @ a mere 4,000, no need to
> downshift. Not just
> gradual pull either, but hard pull immediately.
> Pretty damn good for a puny
> K24.
> Overall, the new power band ironed out a number of
> flat spots contained in
> the MTM 1+ set up, and seems to oh so sweetly match
> my gearing. Esp. the
> tight 4-5 ratioed gears. Car is much more
> driveable, and retains all the
> punch it had before, just without the binary feel to
> the MTM.
> Prior to the session I would ask myself and others
> would also ask, "would
> you pay the whatever-$$$ to go from one chip to
> Mihnea's chip?" (vs. paying
> the $ to go from stock to Mihnea's or from 1+ to
> RS2, hybrid etc. to
> Mihnea's). I kept telling myself, naaa, I've got a
> chip, how much better
> can it be? I'd driven Lehman / TAP / IA chipped
> cars and figured MTM felt
> best. Not enough change could happen to justify the
> expense right?
> My new answer now??? When does Mihnea return so
> others with 1+ can feel the
> difference...
> *NO* affiliation, YMMV. Just one fool's
> verrrrrrrrry happy opinion.
> Dramatic difference, esp. on the highway. When I
> feel something that's
> good, I share. So it is said so it is done...
> -Paul
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