[s-cars] RE: FRANKenliner
Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Fri Jul 30 08:16:24 EDT 2004
Dave "not to be picky but still manages to be regardless" Forgie picked:
<<<Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 11:31:44 -0600
From: "Dave Forgie" <forgied at ae.ca>
Subject: [s-cars] Proper Frankenliner Installation Instructions
Paul: Not to be picky but .... the Frankenliner is NOT the Home Depot vent.
That was Jimmy Pribble's low buck solution. The real Frankenliner used a B4
S4tt liner, as I wrote up at:
Either way, a FMIC is still better.
Dave F.>>>
Um, uh, um...
1st: uh, a liner is like a liner, and stuff.
B) I'll be certain to footnote all future emails with proper accreditation,
Op Cit, etc. that cross reference appropriately to the relevant attached
Bibliography thus fully establishing the Creator of particular Products.
III) Really? A $2500 FMIC is better than my $3.00 vent??? C'mon now you
gots to be pulling my leg...
<end SIGH>
-Paul particularly facetious today K.
'95 //S6 with unnamed fender liner venty thingy that is not as good as an
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