[s-cars] door reassembly trick

James Bowes thermobob at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 2 21:23:34 EDT 2004

After much struggling to get my door panels back on, I found a trick that I 
thought I'd share.. As anyone knows who's tried to get the panels back in 
place, the lock pin is a PITA. It's at exactly the right height where it's 
nearly impossible to get lined up with the hole in the trim while you push 
down on the panel to get the 'hooks' to engage. If you miss the hole, you 
need to pull the panel back off and start over again. And again. And again.

Here's the miracle tool: A BIC pen. Yep. That's it.

Line up the trim best you can without engaging the hooks. Pull out the ink 
cartridge and stick the barrel of the pen through the hole in the trim from 
the top (open side on the pen facing down), and get it around the lock pin 
(remove the lock 'button' with a 1/4 turn). Now you have all the vertical 
adjustment you need and the pin stays centered in the trim hole.

Wish I'd used this trick earlier. Anyways, thought I'd toss that one out 


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