tubo vs super -- Re: [s-cars] was, 0-60 , 1/4mile, now:Re: superchargers are bad, mmkay?

mlp5 mlped at qwest.net
Sun Jun 6 00:52:30 EDT 2004

No Bill, apparently what you really want, whether you know it yet or not, is
a Lancia Delta S4.  Unfortunately they are Italian, prone to be
temperamental and difficult to find in the US.

Robert Meyer is just trying to pedal you more UrS4/6 snake oil.  All it will
do is make your suspension seem even more inadequate  :-)


>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car On Behalf Of Bill Clancy

>I just got some new software from Robert Meyer.   it is not 
>installed yet.
>do you think this is the answer?

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