[s-cars] Pump, Bomb, or servo, oh my!

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Thu Jun 10 09:16:18 EDT 2004


Do the "bomb test". Your symptoms are indicative of no stored pressure in
the bomb. The pulsations you feel are the pressure pulses from the pump.
Hard braking requires more fluid flow than is provided by the pump directly
(hence the stored fluid in the bomb) and you run out of brake boost. These
cars just don't stop without brake boost as you probably have noted by this

Don't drive it until it is fixed, manual braking blows chunks (and loosens
bowels) on the turbo Audis!

Did you disconnect the hydraulic pump when you did the t-belt by any chance?


Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Mike Platt
Sent: June 7, 2004 10:07 AM
To: Scar
Subject: [s-cars] Pump, Bomb, or servo, oh my!

It seems the wife's S6 avant is possessed and
continues to plague me whenever I drive her. I just
finished doing a major timing belt service, fixed oil
leak, and rebuilt front end. A nice gesture for the
old girl which comes back to bite me now.

Thursday the brake light comes on and the power brakes
pulsate. If I press the pedal lightly I have plenty of
braking power, with pulsation. If I need to quickly
hit brakes, like for a panic stop, the pedal is firm
and brakes seem to be in delayed reaction and in
manual mode(quite scary). The power steering seems
unaffected and works fine.

Where to go look I must ask? Bomb is less than a year
old, hydraulic pump is about 2.5 years old. Fluid was
flushed and updated to 11s when pump replaced. There
are no leaks anywhere.

Thanks anyone.

I have been considering car needs a real bomb put in
it now but the car may "Christine" me.

Mike P
95.5 S6 avant
86 Shelby GLHS #134
75 911 Carrera targa
74 914 2.0
99 Ducati ST4

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