[s-cars] Serpantine belt breaking the timimg belt

dave flagg dfautohaus at adelphia.net
Sat Jun 19 11:45:58 EDT 2004

It's simple
the serp belt breaks while the engine is running. with LUCK, all the debris
falls clear of the crank pulley and no harm done. Murphy, howeve, frequently
f]prevails and allows some shreds of serb belt to get involved with the
crank pulley thus displacing the t/belt and VOILA, crank timing is
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Forgie <forgied at direct.ca>
To: s-car-list at audifans.com <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Date: Saturday, June 19, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: [s-cars] Serpantine belt breaking the timimg belt

>Kevin:  You ask for the wisdom of the List.  The List answers. You
>effectively say "BS, can't be, prove it to me"
>I say ignore the List.  Let your serpentine belt break and prove to the
>List that the List is wrong, i.e. that your timing belt is not harmed.
>Go ahead.  I dare you. I 20 valve dare you.
>On the other hand,  go back through the archives (I think we had this
>List discussion within the last two months (again)). You will find that
>there are several documented cases of this occurring.  We do not know
>exactly how the serpentine belt failure causes the T-belt to fail but it
>does happen.  It happened to one of our Vancouver S-car club members
>after a timing belt change.  Serpentine belt failed.  Owner did not
>realize this. Serpentine belt or a portion thereof jammed the timing
>belt.  Timing belt failed. Crank continues to go around, camshafts do
>not, pistons hit several valves, valves are damaged, car is off road for
>a week while head is removed and valves are replaced.  Not pretty. Very
>So you have a choice.  The Wisdom of the List or do whatever you want.
>Dave F. (a six year S-car list member)
>S-CAR-List mailing list
>S-CAR-List at audifans.com

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