[s-cars] RS2 Turbo GP Update

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Sun Jun 20 21:13:10 EDT 2004

That was back in March.  Has anybody heard what's going on with this?

Have ANY of these turbos been shipped?  I put my deposit in at the 
last minute, so I'm probably about last in line - but I have not heard
anything since the middle of April.  My last email to Tim in April wasn't
answered.  I sent him another query tonight - so we'll see.

Wondering in Ohio ...

    - Charlie

Earlier, Dave Forgie wrote:
> After my moment of "what the h3ck happened to the GP?",  I have now 
> had emails from both Randy and Tim at TJM Motorsport assuring me that 
> everything  is fine with the GP. 
>  Randy said "Barring unforseeable tragedy ( ship sinking, plane exploding,
>  etc.) we will begin to ship turbos two weeks from today. It is our hope
>  that we begin next week but it isalways better to be conservative with 
> nt'l shipments - customs will hold several hundreds of thousands of dollars
>  worth of parts over a $0.30 bolt that was not listed on the bill of lading - 
> trust me it happens."
> Randy went on to say "Just an FYI - we were in Europe to oversee the 
> turbos and also to strike a new program through Dahlback Racing for 
> custom KKKs.  Please let the other GP members know the ship dates"
> Okay so now I/we know.  Nervous anxieties off mode
> Dave F.

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