[s-cars] Replacement clutch survey

Kevin Day kday at ultrameta.org
Mon Jun 21 22:08:53 EDT 2004


My clutch has begun to slip on a regular basis, so I'm starting to plan
its replacement.  It seems my car managed to dig up my buried wallet on
its own...

I know there are a number of discussions in the archives and some on the web 
about this, but I'd like to get a view of what the current state of the 
art is, and what the tradeoffs are between the various options.  
To that end I'd like to pose a series of questions to listers who have 
replaced their clutch.  I will summarize any responses that I get and make 
them available for everyone.

What clutch did you install?

At how many miles?

Did you replace the flywheel?  (With what?)  

How did the original flywheel look?

Would you install the same setup if you did it over again?

How much did you pay for the materials?  Labor?

Where did you get the kit?

How does your current clutch differ from the OEM (if it is not OEM)?

How long have you had it?

How modified is your car?

Thanks in advance for your input.  

'94 S4 MTM 1+

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