[s-cars] Samco hose clamps

James Murray (QB/EMC) james.murray at ericsson.com
Mon Jun 28 08:45:41 EDT 2004

Dear "admin", Napa is cheaper, if you can get them to ship it to you... I ordered online and got my order no hassles, but some others did not (I think), and if you ask customer service they will tell they sell only in batches of 5 per clamp.

My complete set cost me: 

Subtotal: $35.90
Tax: $2.52
Shipping: $4.95
TOTAL: $43.37

Guess I got lucky, try and see... worst they can do is refuse the order.

Cheers, /James.

-----Original Message-----
From: Administrator mail [mailto:admin at sonitrol.net]
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 8:35 AM
To: James Murray (QB/EMC)
Cc: 'Harold McComas'; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Samco hose clamps

Stupid question maybe, but is Napa more expensive (factoring shipping

I need to purchase a set myself...


On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 08:18, James Murray (QB/EMC) wrote:
> McMaster and Napa part numbers...
> 2 Each 70-92mm (2 3/4"-3 5/8")  McMaster: 5325K32	Napa: 7051509
> 3 Each 57-79mm (2 1/4"-3 1/8")  McMaster: 5325K31	Napa: 7051508
> 1 each 45-67mm (1 3/4"-2 5/8")  McMaster: 5325K29	Napa: 7051507
> 2 each 21-38mm (13/16"-1 1/2")  McMaster: 54205K15	Napa: 7051502
> 2 each 17-32mm (11/16"-1 1/4 )  McMaster: 54205K13	Napa: closest is either #7051501 15/16'' - 1 1/4'' or #7051500 : 13/16'' - 1 1/16'' no exact match...a safe bet is to use #7051503 13/16'' - 1 3/4''
> Igor's Original List from McMaster:
> 70-92mm	5325K32		$6.16	2	$12.32
> 17-32mm	54205K13		$3.67	2	$7.34
> 57-79mm	5325K31		$6.11	3	$18.33
> 45-67mm	5325K29		$6.01	1	$6.01
> 21-38mm	54205K15		$3.77	2	$7.54
> /Jamu.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Harold McComas
> Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 8:05 AM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] Samco hose clamps
> Now that I am finally ready to order the clamps I lost the S-list post that had all the details about the breeze clamps available from NAPA or  McMaster-Carr. Does anybody have the details or that post, it listed the part numbers and the sizes and quantity needed. Any help would be appreciated.
> Harold M
> 85 VW GTI
> 96 Audi S6
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