[s-cars] RE: clutch slip

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Jun 30 09:51:25 EDT 2004

Bill sic-ened and Kirby confirmed:

<<<a) Without any clutch slip, the drivetrain gets jerked and the CM joints
get pounded unless rpms are closely matched

c) Without any clutch slip, refined acceleration levels are difficult
because the action of rpm matching simultaneous with power matching is
very difficult, at least for me.  Fortunately, my wife hasn't been in
the car since the change.  :)


a)  Yup.  With my SPEC stage 2.5 (one side carbon one side kevlar) my CV
joints began to click-clack after 15k.  OK, they were on their way in doing
that prior to the install but the new clutch wasted them.  Car's up @ NEA as
we speak getting new driveshaft as a result.  Not to mention new PS pump AND
new AC compressor AND new, oh, um, head gasket...  where are them thar Accel
Warranty Naysayer's NOW muwahahahahah???  How about THEM apples, heh heh....

2)  Yes, sort of.  I'll agree (and duly note your "at least for me"
statement qualification).  The clutch, esp. with the LWFW, does CERTAINLY
require a fair amount of match-rev shifting, on both up and down shifts.  I
(personally) enjoyed the challenge, practicedpracticedpracticed until it is
now a perfected science.  A science I do quite enjoy at that!  Very fun to
drive this way, IMHO at least (statement qualification).

Gots to run...  en-route to flogging my buddy's '63 250GTL Lusso on a sunny
serene CT a.m. here...

-Paul about to sport MAJOR (3.5 inches?) WOOD K.

ps.  Yes.  I'm serious 8-).  Er, the 250GTL *will* be <ONE> (yes one) of
this year's //SFest surprises whoops was that out loud?

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