[s-cars] Family Album

Igor Kessel igor at s-cars.org
Mon Mar 1 20:55:25 EST 2004

Igor Kessel wrote:

> Mark Pollan wrote:
> Pedro,
> I get the Hardlock Error 17. Does anyone else have this problem?
> The Euro FA 6.02 and the USA FA 5.30 worked fine
> XP, SP1

OK, now I know why.

On the initial screen if I click on the third from the too "Audi" logo 
as I am used to (or the second from the top "VW" logo for that matter) I 
get the "Hardlock Error 17" message.

But! If I click on the first from the top "Audi/VW"logo I can get in. 
Once inside I see the menuq on the left, from top to bottom: "VW", 
"Audi", "Special Catalogues" which allow the usual navigation. So far so 

Thanks Pedro! I hope that my Euro 6.02 works for you just as well.

Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros

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