[s-cars] RS2 Turbo GP Update

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Thu Mar 25 20:41:30 EST 2004

After my moment of "what the h3ck happened to the GP?",  I have now 
had emails from both Randy and Tim at TJM Motorsport assuring me that 
everything  is fine with the GP. 

 Randy said "Barring unforseeable tragedy ( ship sinking, plane exploding,
 etc.) we will begin to ship turbos two weeks from today. It is our hope
 that we begin next week but it isalways better to be conservative with 
nt'l shipments - customs will hold several hundreds of thousands of dollars
 worth of parts over a $0.30 bolt that was not listed on the bill of lading - 
trust me it happens."

Randy went on to say "Just an FYI - we were in Europe to oversee the 
turbos and also to strike a new program through Dahlback Racing for 
custom KKKs.  Please let the other GP members know the ship dates"

Okay so now I/we know.  Nervous anxieties off mode

Dave F.

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