[s-cars] Minneapolis Gas?

JR urs4 at magnaspeed.net
Wed May 5 12:56:14 EDT 2004

Not sure about 94, but if you wanna drive down to Lakeville (suburb) you 
can get 100 plus octane racing fuel at the truck stop/McDonalds (the 
McStop for you locals) right off 35W.   It's a regular gas station/truck 
stop, but it has 1 pump with this racing fuel.  I just noticed this the 
last time I stopped there.   :-P


D Cosby wrote:

> My newly turbo'd car (T04e-50 + FMIC) is going up on the dyno soon to 
> have my 91 octane Mihnea chipset tuned for my car. My car has lived 
> exclusively on a diet of Sunoco 94 but there is a good chance I may be 
> moving to Minneapolis soon. Before I tune my car for 94, can any one 
> tell me what octane options are readily available in Minneapolis - St. 
> Paul?
> Cheers.
> Dwayne
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