[s-cars] Speeding Ticket Via Airplane

Chris Farr c.farr at comcast.net
Wed May 19 14:13:16 EDT 2004

Dam, I never thought of that. Glad there no toll booths here in Oregon.


On May 19, 2004, at 10:57 AM, TODD KRAMER wrote:

> Peter,
> The airplane / road marks is video recorded ... match cars to the 
> picture.
> ..but if you gated to subsequent toll booths, that is how they got 
> you...and it would be on a time recorded close circuit video.
> Back in the day of the former Eastern Germany, on my drive from 
> Frankfurt to Berlin, we would often pull off the side of the road 
> before we hit the final Berlin entrance checkpoint ... the East German 
> Polizie (or Stasi...) simply timed your travel time from checkpoint to 
> checkpoint, and issued you a ticket based on your "time trial" across 
> what they called a road ... r = D/t.
> Todd Kramer
> '95 S6
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