[s-cars] Speeding Ticket Question - speed tracked by airplane...

Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com
Thu May 20 06:49:35 EDT 2004

I do not see the air speed headwind/tailwind argument working at all.

Isn't the car's speed determined using a stopwatch (timer, unaffected by
wind) and a known distance on the ground (also unaffected by wind)?

I do not believe the plane's speed factors in at all, as long as it is
appropriate to get a good look at the automobile while it is being timed.

I could see an argument about inconsistency in the management of a timer,
but I imagine this is done on film with a timer running right on the video
tape, so that argument probably falls apart, too.

Of course, you did the crime so you cannot really plead innocence : -)

You are a bad, bad dangerous driver putting us all at risk with you
ridiculous unsafe fast driving (-sarcasm-).

Good luck,
Eric Kissell

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