[s-cars] turbo flanges et al.

Ray Tomlinson ray at s-cars.org
Sat May 22 10:30:46 EDT 2004


You know, I never questioned the use of the T3 description of the center
section until your e-mail.  Curiously, and far be it for me to understand
the reasoning therefor, but Ola referred to the center section in the plural
form - T3/T04E.  In our case, one would believe the turbo inlet flange to be
*somewhat* mutually exclusive of the center section, or at least limited in
terms of what inlet flange options are compatible with Garrett center
sections, as our hotside scrolls are pure/modified KKK units.  Meaning, the
turbo inlet flange on this (and I believe as well Hap's, Gary's and Dave's
turbo's) are actual K26 hotsides, except that the exducer bore is modified
on mine to accept the larger, ~63mm Stage V turbine.  That would lead me to
believe that the T3 denotes a particular center section compatible with a
KKK hotside scroll and Garrett's stage 3 or 5 turbine, not the actual inlet
flange bolt pattern, defeated of course by your last statement re: GT series
turbo inlet flanges, which are available only with T3 "flanges".

Further to this discussion, how then would you describe the inlet flange
bolt pattern on the Sport Quattro manifold, and why the SQ manifold's use of
a  ~25mm wastegate orifice, which is dubiously smaller than the stock/RS2
wastegate orifice?  Because of the large volume of the collector, perhaps?
Or, does this go more towards the age old size vs. motion argument?
(wastegate valve "duration" versus valve "size").  We now return to our
family programming.


-----Original Message-----
From: mlp5 [mailto:mlped at qwest.net]
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 2:04 AM
To: ray at s-cars.org; 'Lewis, Gary M'; CaptMagu at aol.com;
Djdawson2 at aol.com; sola4est at yahoo.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] turbo upgrade (not rs2) ~ Goshsillysized (long)

Ray -

Do you know the wherefore, why or what the use of "T3" , affectionately or
otherwise, in the  description of your turbo is supposed to denote?

I ask because in certain contexts I think "T3" is often used as a generic
flange reference, denoting or at least implying certain mounting dimensions
for, at a minimum, the turbo to exhaust manifold aka the turbo "inlet"
flange.  Then there are at least 3 "outlet" types on T3 style inlet housing
flanges - i.e. the "four bolt" (what most of us are using); a "Ford or
Volvo" 5 bolt type outlet; and, I believe a "Buick" sometimes referred to as
the "Grand National" 3 bolt type outlet.

I think the "T3" four bolt turbo to EM dimensions/layout are inimical to
either the Audi stock, or RS2 exhaust manifold K26 mounting bolt pattern.
The "T3" is, however, I believe compatible, at least EM to turbo bolt
pattern spacing wise, with a K27's mounting studs.  There are other issues
with turbo inlet / EM outlet "throat" dimensions/matching.  KKK seems to
prefer "round" or circular turbo inlets; Garrett seems to prefer a
"rectangular" throat inlets, that it then further sub-divides into single or
split feed, I guess depending on the number of cylinders one has firing into
the throat &/or the design of ones exhaust manifold plenum ~ suggesting a
two throat feed if your EM is capable of "splitting" its exhaust pulses
appropriately, one it its not.

For some of the T3 and other "flange" alternatives see:

  - http://tinyurl.com/2m47x
  - http://tinyurl.com/33nlh

one description of the spacing is provided at http://tinyurl.com/3ecas ~ T3
bolt centers being @ 85mm x 45mm, while the smaller "T25" is on @ 72mm x
40mm centers.  When you couple that with the 10mm studs used to attach a K26
to you EM, you'll see that unfortunately causes the T25 bolt/stud holes or
centers to overlap the T3 mounting points/studs by approx 5mm.

This is one of the principal issues with trying to put a GT30r in the
UrS4/6.  The GT30r as it comes from Garrett etc., is ONLY available with a
"T3" mounting flange.  My guess is that if "T3" is being used in your
description to designated the hot side mounting flange, a more accurate
description might be, I think, a "T25" flange.  FWIW, I've been waiting for
a GT30r to be stuffed in a KKK K26 house ... but you know those Canadians,
http://tinyurl.com/36eue , they ain't saying nothing ..... so I guess we'll
see if Mr. Strangeway et al can make it work.

Last, I'm not sure what Gary & Hap are banging back & forth, except perhaps
one may have said "compressor" or "wheel" when what was meant or intended
was "turbine" or vice versa.  FWIW, in the Garret family, the hot side is
(or at least was till Hap brought in his GT35) pretty simple.  You've either

 - a Stage 3 (or III) turbine at @ 2.19"/or 55mm exit diameter; or
 - a Stage V (or 5) turbine at @ 2.4x" / or 62 to 63mm

Now, with the GT series, on the hotside you have a whole new "swooopy" sexy
looking ten blade design, and at least for the GT30, a remarkable similar
exit bore to the older TO4E family stage 3 turbine ~ I measure the GT30r
turbine blades at just under @ 55mm+/- in diameter at exducer tip to tip,
i.e. just slightly smaller than the old Stage 3.  OTOH, I believe the GT
turbine to be taller, than the older Stage 3 wheel, though that's harder to
measure as the GT30 blades "rise" as they spiral in from the out side to the
center axel of the wheel.  FWIW, I'm told the GT353 will tip the exhaust
educer bore scales at something like @ 2.7x" ~> 68.25mm which seems to me
like that should put it in a whole new category, ?? Godzillasized perhaps.
Maybe even Goshsillysized?

Last, on the coldside, the GT series (well the 30 at least) seems to be
running an extra pair (7 vs. 6) of blades compared to the TO4E compressor
wheel family  :-), for whatever that may be worth or mean.  Without pulling
the compressor housing off, by eyeball I'd guess the minor diameter of the
compressor (cold air exit) GT30 wheel is ... well bigger than the TO4e-50
... If I get ambitious, I'll try to get a comparative photo of the two



>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car On Behalf Of Ray Tomlinson

>My turbo is from Innovative, and affectionately known as a
>T3/T04E (50trim) with #8 hotside.
>Ray Tomlinson

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