[s-cars] RE: Galati / Pobst event

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed May 26 10:19:11 EDT 2004

Dave Hoog'ed:

<<<Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 20:35:46 EDT
From: HOOG23 at aol.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] ***Galati / Pobst 5/26 &28 cocktail receptions &
dinners / R8 viewing...

I'm going tomorrow (to Watertown) - who else?

Red '95>>>

Morning Dave / all-

The RSVP's I've received include Lee Levitt, Marc Swanson, Bill Perron,
maybe Emre Washburn, and then 2 of my local non-lister friends (aside from
me & Bob D'Amato of course).  Hopefully others as well...

See you there ~ 6:00, good to hear you'll make it.  Note, the larger the
turnout the better Audi Sport NA will appreciate our efforts here / in the

Can't wait for R8 *drool*...

'95 //S6 actually clean(!?!?!) for once for f'n rainy 'show' this evening

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