[s-cars] NAC: Good luck voting on Tues.

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Mon Nov 1 09:48:21 EST 2004

Maybe because we worry about little things like the One-way "Free Trade"
agreement and just when you will invade us to steal our water.  Little
things like that.

Dave F.

Emre Washburn wrote:

> On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 08:15:30 -0500, Joe Pizzimenti
> <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Vote to ban.
> I second your nomination. Why do the Canadians worry about our
> election more then their own?
> --
> Emre
> 92 //S4
> 90 Cq
> 40 valves to many!

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