[s-cars] Off topic, How to get a smoker's car smelling clean?

Aaron aaront at cox-internet.com
Mon Nov 1 23:49:11 EST 2004

Here is another idea -
Let your dog steal several pounds of rancid butter at a fundraiser 
picnic and lock him inside on a warm afternoon.
Guaranteed you will never smell the smoke smell again.
My 87 trooper is proof.

Igor Kessel wrote:

> Bob Rossato wrote:
>>> Yeah!  I watched a show on that once.  Slipped my mind.  I would second
>>> this idea based the show I saw which involved some nasty remains in a
>>> car.
>>> Gabriel Caldwell
>> Reminds me of an episode of Myth Busters (now those guys know how to 
>> have
>> fun).  This time they were tackling the "myth" that you can never get 
>> the
>> smell of a dead body out of a car - Pizzo pay attention.  They bought a
>> Corvette, put a dead pig in the drivers seat, completely sealed the 
>> car, and
>> then let it sit for a month or so. They tried every trick in the book 
>> and
>> could not get the smell out afterwards, even after completely 
>> stripping out
>> the interior.  The second part of that episode is when they tried to 
>> sell
>> the car.  They went through a lot of buyers before they finally had a 
>> taker.
>> Bob
> Bob,
> this is well known in Russia. Every Spring they find the so-called 
> "snowdrops" in the suburbs. It's the remainders of the hapless 
> clueless  couples who tried to make it out in the car in the winter 
> with the engine running. And those winters are cold...
> Such cars are sold to dismantlers for peanuts (kopecks) 'coz nothing, 
> and I mean nothing, even the complete stripping of the interior and 
> repainting the shell, can get the smell out.

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