[s-cars] RE: trunk stuck shut

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Tue Nov 2 10:35:35 EST 2004

Paul:  The "key" (bad pun) to this story is you putting the stroller in
the trunk, i.e. the trunk worked before that and even when you took it
out.  But my guess is that somehow an activator rod between the lock on
the right hand side and the latch mechanism in the middle has come
detached - perhaps by being bumped by the stroller at some point.
Without that activator rod, neither the key nor the solenoid is going to
open the trunk.

My suggestion is to wait to see another latch (on an open trunk) and
figure out where you could drill a hole behind the license plate to
push/pull on the activator mechanism to get the trunk open.  The
question will be is "How big does this hole have to be?".

Good luck.

Dave F.

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