[s-cars] RE: trunk open, now mirror 'down in reverse not work ing'

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Thu Nov 4 07:53:47 EST 2004

Joey's GIGANTIC CRANIUM (filled with not brain but greasy sausage /
sauce / olive oil / bong andor steroid residue), then Taka "phantom Audi
phantom STi", unwittingly boasted:

<<<Besides, we both know Paulie couldn't handle owning an Evo.>>>

<<<Too fast, too furious for Paul. :-)>>>

You want the TRUTH!!!!!?  You CAN'T HANDLE the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!

-Jack N.

ps.  oh, yeah, 8-)...

pps.  least we'll 'allegedly' see you Sat. Joeynutz...  Taka "I'm merely
alleged to actually own cars" has to work... who works on a Sat. nite???
Sure would loved to have "seen" that "STi"...

ppps.  oh yeah, the reverse lites work the pass. button is depressed and
the mirror no goes down in reverse, oh and key is ON this time...

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