[s-cars] CD changer stopped working

Gabriel Caldwell gabriel at ts.bc.ca
Fri Nov 5 13:32:28 EST 2004

I had the same problem because I stuck a McDonald's drive-thru "Made for
You" sticker on a CD and then inserted it in the changer.  Of course it
got stuck and I had to open up the changer to push it out.

Gabriel Caldwell

-----Original Message-----
From: kirbyasmith [mailto:kirbyasmith at gwi.net] 
Sent: November 5, 2004 5:42 AM
To: Igor Kessel
Cc: Audi S-list
Subject: Re: [s-cars] CD changer stopped working

Igor Kessel wrote:
> Folks,
> the factory Bose sez: CD00 ERR when in the CD mode. The cartridge
> sans one disk which is still inside the changer.
> The radio mode works fine.
> Does anyone know where to look first?
Might be take-apart time.  Maybe the last disk is jammed, or there is 
insuffient roller friction to get it out.  You will find disassembly 
intuitive, albeit somewhat slow, as each step has to be deliberate. 
Keep track of which way the suspension springs are oriented, and be sure

on reassembly that the pins that go into the rubber support grommets are

properly centered.

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