[s-cars] RE: pizzoclutch

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Mon Nov 8 12:57:52 EST 2004

Joey clutched to obscured reality: 

<<<Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004 18:18:19 -0500 
From: Joe Pizzimenti <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com> 
Subject: Re: [s-cars] The Slippery Slope 

Considering Paul stalled the car every 3 seconds, I'm glad I put it in 
before he touched the car. 

It's still there, no problems.>>> 

Your car stalled the car every 3 seconds, I was merely a spectator in the
driver seat.  How can one stall the car with the clutch to the FLOOR one
wonders?  It was a bit grabby tho once the POS finally decided to take some
revs fed in and NOT f'n stall, didn't realize you installed it the night
before and I got to break it in for you.

Look at it this way, better me than Serge "The Clutch" Filonovsky, no?

Maybe it was a matter of you  not wearing grandma Pizzo's housecoat that
day?  Good thing you had it on with you Sat.  Along with your "Sopranos
Collection" zip-neck fuzzy jogging sweatshirt.  Did you come straight from a
stereotype photoshoot maybe???

-Paul manage to not stall many Ferraris and GT2s but 'somehow' the econobox
commuter got the best of me? K. 

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