[s-cars] Dawson's Dreadnaught and FMIC Testing (and fire sale)
CaptMagu at aol.com
CaptMagu at aol.com
Tue Nov 9 14:03:48 EST 2004
In a message dated 11/9/04 11:04:13 AM, gary.m.lewis2 at boeing.com writes:
> Spearco does INDEED (well did for sure before selling to Turbonetics)
> have casted end tanks. I'm not sure the vanes are going to do much,
> but MLP and Haps TIG project to smooth the ramps to the cores has merit
> IMHO (and I'm assuming that is what you are talking about Hap??).
> I think Mike is heading towards some diverters similar to the APR top to
bottom FMIC. APR had issues getting the folw to spread out across the entire width
of their top to bottm FMIC. A set of vanes to spread out the flow made it a
much better design.
> Also, the bottom line on FMIC IMHO is (ala Trevor Frank):
> BIGGER IS BETTER. If you are trying to do an FMIC sans cutting the
> bumper, it may not be worth it. Get water injection instead. Mine,
> MLP's, and Hap's FMIC numbers are really incredible, and the IC's are
> all really different, except they are BIG. The Stone IC looks great,
> but is it as good as mine or Hap's? 90% efficiencies? Low pressure
> losses? Volumes above stock?? Dawson's 400+hp on the stock IC is
> IMPRESSIVE. I'd obviously wait for the test before deciding if I wereyou.
Bigger is better works for the frontal dimension but there is a fall off in
the depth dimension. Garrett's I/C core specs do show a drop in hp capability
as you go from 4" to 4 1/2" depth. My core measures 24x10x4. My original I/C
was welded up by TEC to my specs. As Mike Pederson did more and more research,
we came up with the fluting design to encourage flow across the entire I/C.
Dave Stone has been responsible for my new end tanks so, I really do have a Dave
Stone FMIC. Another issue I have is in my incoming end tank. The Dave Stone
and Apikol FMICs use a through flow design that goes around the side of the
radiator. My car is a first generation design that uses a custom shorter radiator
that allows the charge air track to run straight forward and under the
radiator. The challenge is that the charge air must make a 90 degree turn in the end
tank. This actually helps to distribute the air across the entire height if
the core with the deflectors that Dave has engineered.
> If MLP is correct about the efficiency of the vert vs. the horiz., I
> agree it is the IC itself (Bell vs. Spearco or Garrett), ambient flow,
> or, even after the first 90% of the cooling took place in the first 6-8
> inches, cooling is STILL more important than pressure loss. Gets me
> back to that square IC shape...
> Having done this myself, if I had to do it again, RayT's setup is the
> way to go. Go organic on the IC (i.e., do-it-your-self), get the Euro
> bumper, and for around $1,500 bucks you have a perfect solution. HUGE
> IC in any config you want (horiz, vert), at substantial sizes (Hap or
> RayT or Trevor Frank size, bigger than mine, which is pretty big, rated
> at 1000hp), pretty bumper, etc.
I think that side to side is still the way to go because it allows the
largest cross section to be mounted given the limitations on top to bottom
dimension. The end tanks on top to bottom designs is lost core cross section. You know
aht they say about opinions? They're like belly buttons, everyone has one.
Hap, wit dahkine Happersized FMIC in Evahboost, Maguire
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