[s-cars] 80tq: 20v Project Update, 415whp, 12.25, etc

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Thu Nov 11 14:25:12 EST 2004

Hey Dave,

Javad Said:
>... but allowing the turbo to flow more 
> air to avoid the surge or overspeed line.  Altitude can have the same effect.

I don't know what turbo you're running, I didn't mean to imply that _you, specifically_ were benefitting, that's why I said "surge or overspeed line" implying that generally, it could go either way depending on the size of the turbo.

Agreed on all the "estimations", it will be very interesting to do a baseline at elevation and sea-level, don't necessarily want to wager money on it  ;)  , but it would be a great data-point to add to the information database, as I hope that I've done with my documentation.


>Interesting... so not only are our cars getting the benefit of overcorrection 
>on the dynos, but the altitude is helping our turbos perform better???  C'mon 
>guys, give me a break.  Review your maps.  To run at the PR that we're 
>running (denominator is lower... therefore, PR is higher at altitude) we're crossing 
>the top of the map... certainly no improvement WRT compressor efficiency.  
>Let me know an acceptable sea level dyno, and I'll go give it a try.

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