[s-cars] 80tq: 20v Project Update, 415whp, 12.25, etc

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Fri Nov 12 08:40:04 EST 2004

I propose that no one 'correct' a darn thing (tm family version - Hap).  If 
you think all these variables have an effect on your number, put down the test 
conditions.  Speak of the number you got, where and how you got it.  Several 
of us that may be logging it only want that information anyhow.  

A baseline is a baseline.  Drive it down to a lower altitude and make her fly 
Dave, pop the number.  Your best hope is that it's better than in Denver.  
Your worst nighmare could be having to follow Hap down that 'out of fuel' 
road...  My own experience with S cars coming down to the plain states: it isn't 
gonna run right without 'correction'.  By that I mean, one that runs optimally in 
Denver with all it's tweeks, IME isn't as driveable in Chicago.  I just spoke 
on the phone with a guy yesterday that is still dealing with this problem.  
No doubt in my mind it will run *differently* Dave.  But my definition of 
'correction' differs from yours I guess. :)

I've proposed before, and MLP has thrown up some sites, as to the accuracy of 
dyno's.  It's a tool with a use.  Javad uses it the way one should, IMO.  
Tweek your car, take it back to 'your' dyno place, and see if the tweek is better 
or worse (and look at the conditions of the tests as a possible variable).  
Personally, I could care less what the numbers are, I'm a what's below the 
curve, or how are those tq/hp camels humped (leave it Pizzo;), kinda guy.  Torque 
rules the street, not HP.  The very reason anyone thinking that 500ATWHP will 
take a 996tt with it's measely 420HP will find reality sucks (415lb/ft for 
2500rpm of the rpm band).  My ideal (along with a bunch of other old schoolers) 
is to see a 1/4mile run, but unfortunately those abusing miss piggy this way, 
find it baselines only weight disadvantage vs clutch.

Bottom Line:   A correction to altitude only means you drive it down there 
and pop up another uncorrected number.  It's a big jump to make the claim that 
there is a univeral -0- correction factor.  Heck there isn't even one to 2 
dynos at the *same* altitude.

Fuel injector and Fuel pressure anyone?

Scott J

In a message dated 11/11/2004 10:06:01 PM Central Standard Time, 
Djdawson2 at aol.com writes:
In a message dated 11/11/2004 6:42:02 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
brett at cloud9.net writes:

> Most of the factors (which all affect NA engines) that go into calculating 
> the correction, do not apply to turbo engines.  They are temperature, 
> barometric pressure, and humidity.

Sorry, but you need to go back to school.  If the air is being forced in or 
not, the conditions, if not standardized, do have an impact.  They may have a 
different impact (as a percentage), but to say they don't apply to turbo 
engines is absolutely and unquestionably inaccurate.  Does your car run the 
same on 
a 100 degree day as a 30 degree day?  Of course not.  That means that some 
sort of correction is REQUIRED to normalize the tests. 

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