[s-cars] RE: 80tq: 20v Project Update, 415whp, 12.25, etc

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Fri Nov 12 09:18:49 EST 2004

Dave in OH today Dawson'ed: 

<<<Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 23:03:41 EST 
From: Djdawson2 at aol.com 
Subject: Re: [s-cars] 80tq: 20v Project Update, 415whp, 12.25, etc 

To satisfy my curiosity, I'll go to a sea level dyno and see just exactly 
what the difference is... but I'm going to guess someone will still "cry

BTW, I'm not interested in confrontational speculation, just real results.  
So don't take my comments personally.  However, don't just throw "stuff" out

there as fact, that simply isn't fact.  The conditions surrounding the test 
ALWAYS have an impact, and to claim that they don't, is ignorant. 

Remember, I'm in this for the fun... so let's have fun, damn it! 
Dave in OH, today>>> 

Dave, gotta commend your rational responses and patience, you're more a man
than I. 

That said, so, hmmmm lots of New England here is around sea level, and
contrary to the above I think you'll find a great bunch of true gamers out
this way...  bring her on out and let's see that beoch in action 8-).  Maybe
aim for say next August, in say, CT heh heh...  wunder if we can rent the
hub dyno for //Sfest next year, never know...

Keep up the good work out (up) there... 


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