[s-cars] RE: miss piggy

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Mon Nov 15 14:03:43 EST 2004

Keith 5th wheeled: 

<<,Here's one from the same mountain 


Brings a whole new meaning to "Miss Piggy"..... :-D 


Heh, looks familiar.  Kinda like my old Army convoys in 5-ton 916's...
"hey, your 5-ton was 3 f'n feet off the ground!??!?!?".  

I can neither confirm nor deny the allegations against me.  You want the
truth!?  You can't HANDLE the TRUTH!!! 

And some say the UrS is Miss Piggy? 

-Paul been there raced that 8-) K. 

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