[s-cars] No Start problem - Battery?

calvinlc at earthlink.net calvinlc at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 25 12:07:30 EST 2004


I would start by looking at the voltage while the alternator is supposed to
be charging.  If it is less than 12 volts then I would definitely suspect
the alternator.  It should be at 13.8 or above, but a little below can be
due to a weak battery as well.  However, if the battery voltage is around
11.x while the engine is running it is most likely the alternator.  The
"going dead in 5 minutes" thing could have just been a battery that was on
the verge of not being charged enough.  However you said no lights or
anything..hmm....you might also check for the current draw coming from the
battery when the car is shut off (remember doors closed so interior lights
aren't on)


-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of alexander witham
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 10:02 AM
To: S-CAR-List at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] No Start problem - Battery?

Happy Thanksgiving all.

Last night my brother's '92 S4 (was originally mine)
wouldn't start. It had been running fine when he
stopped to go into a store. When he came back out 1/2
hr later it was completely dead, no lights, absolutely
nothing. He jumped the car and eventually it started.
But within 5 minutes it died again and wouldn't start
without another jump. The battery was replaced not 4
months ago. The alternator is the original and the car
has 128k.

What do you think it is?

Also, he's recently noticed that the car appears to be
smoking. He says there is a lot of white smoke coming
out of the exhaust even after the engine is warmed up.
He lives in Williamsburg VA, so it's not as though
it's because it's getting colder. He's put about 2500
miles on the car since I gave it to him and he's had
to add a quart of oil.
Anything to be concerned about?



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