[s-cars] The Great Mineral Oil Debate - Pentosin 7 or 11 ?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 27 19:24:22 EST 2004




--- manuel <manuelsanchez at starpower.net> wrote:

> S-Heads,
> I found myself out of town for Turkey Day and in the need for some
> liquid gold - the mineral oil for the power steering/brake booster
> system.  Simple enough I thought.  There seems to be a varying range
> of opinion from both dealers/independent mechanics and independent
> auto parts stores on which version of the stuff should be used.
> They all, however, agreed that I should not mix the 2 types.  Of the
> 5 places I called (2 dealers, 2 auto parts stores, 1 independent audi
> mechanic) this is what they said;
> Dealer 1 - use the Audi stuff (this of course would be no problem if
> the dealers were open on Saturday in Northeastern PA), when pressed
> for the Pentosin equivalent they said Pentosin 7.
> Dealer 2 - Pentosin 11.
> Independent Mechanic - Pentosin 7 
> (this guy happens to work on my car and when I replaced the "X plug
> and seal about 1 year ago, he was in charge of topping off the
> reservoir. So if he is wrong, there is the chance I have mixed the 2
> types.  The reason I got into this whole affair was because I saw the
> low level in the reservoir and watched some fluid bubble out around
> the "X plug" while the car was running.  I tightened the plug and the
> bubbling stopped.  Another question is, would flushing the system
> "save" my seals after a years time?  I don't know how much he added
> to top off the system.
> Autoparts 1 - Pentosin 11
> Autoparts 2 - Pentosin 11
> The guy I bought it from let me see the book, and while I don't
> remember it giving the Audi part number, it clearly said "Audi 1990
> on, BMW late 1991 - Pentosin 11".  He told me of a local wrench who
> inadvertently put the wrong stuff in a new steering rack for a
> customers BMW and had to replace it 3 months later because the wrong
> fluid ate through the seals.
> Now of course, the bottle of Pentosin gives the BMW and Porsche part
> numbers, but not the Audi part number (G 002000).
> So, who do I believe and what's the Pentosin equivalent of G 002000?
> With the wide variety of answers I received, and clear confusion I
> really wonder what is being placed in everyone's Power steering
> reservoir.
> Confused
> -m
> 95.5 S6 Avant
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