[s-cars] Re: Bumfozzled yet again

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Oct 1 11:39:36 EDT 2004

What are you using to perform these crimps?    If the wire can move around
inside the end you're crimping on, it obviously is the wrong tool for that
style of terminal.

At 10:45 AM 10/1/2004 -0400, Robert Myers wrote:
>A while back my urS6 (RS2ed) was having a miss under high boost.  Also an 
>additional miss when the engine was stone cold.  This second miss would go 
>away after driving a couple hundred yards and the engine started to warm up 
>a bit.  The problem was solved by pulling the coil pack and carefully 
>re-insulating the wiring harness where it entered into the coil 
>pack.  Felling good.  ;-)
>A week later - Oh nuts (or something like that) - the miss is back - 
>cylinder #4.  I pulled the coil pack again and checked the crimps, of which 
>I was pretty sure, and found no problems.  I put it back together and the 
>miss was gone.  Hmmmm...  Something loose inside a crimp?  Maybe.  Moved 
>the PSO connectors to their alternative positions.  The miss moved to 
>another cylinder.  Hmmmm...  Bad PSO.  So, let's switch #4 to the "spare 
>channel".  Pull the coil pack yet again.  As I lifted it off the top of the 
>engine one of my crimps I was so proud of separated.  Guess which lead it 
>was part of.  Yup - you got it - #4.  How about that!
>So.  Redid the crimp.  Good and tight this time.   Put the coil pack back 
>in the car.  No miss!  Great!  Absolutely loads of power.  Drove the car 
>about a half mile while it performed like a champ.  Turned around to head 
>back home and 200 yards later - whoops!  A miss again.  Something is amiss 
>- again.  This time the miss is in #2.
>Pulled the coil pack - again.  Measured resistances between corresponding 
>"firewall connectors" for each cylinder.  First I had to be sure exactly 
>which connector pin corresponded to which cylinder.  They are no longer in 
>factory order due to several PSO changes and spare channel uses over the 
>years.  In checking I pulled each wire from one end of the wiring harness 
>to determine which wire at the other end was the same wire.  Resistance 
>measurements were #2 through #5 = 0.6 ohms.  #1 was 1.2 
>ohms.  Hmmmm...  Problem with #1?  Maybe.
>Put the coil pack back in the car to determine location of the miss after 
>swapping PSO leads again.  Fired it up.  No miss.  Swapping PSO lead will 
>accomplish nothing.  Went for a test drive, repeating the earlier 
>drive.  No miss at all.  Performance is fantastic - as usual (when there is 
>no miss).  Just guessing but perhaps pulling on the wires may have seated a 
>wire inside a crimp more tightly and resulted in better contact.
>OK, what now?  Huh?  What's that?  You say, "Shut up and 
>kwitcherbitchen?"  Well, I'd like to do that but sure as shooting when/if I 
>do my wife will be out in the car and the miss will suddenly reappear.  I 
>want to SOLVE and CORRECT the problem.  Suggestions?
>Random Bushism: "It's going to require numerous IRA agents."  George W. 
>Bush, On Gore's tax plan, Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 10, 2000
>Robert Myers  304-574-2372
>Fayetteville, WV
>urS6 - Cashmere Grey
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

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