[s-cars] Re: Bumfozzled yet again

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 1 23:25:02 EDT 2004

There are crimp on heat shrink connectors with solder in them.

Crimp like normal, then use heat to contract the heat shrink, while you
are doing tht it is also melting solder inside it. Provides a very good
connection, the bestof both worlds, Crimps shrink and soldered.

Quick google provided this souce:

--- Fred Munro <munrof at sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Yeah, I hear you Bob. I used to solder all my joints as well until I
> read an
> article that tested crimped versus soldered joints for current
> carrying
> ability and physical strength at high temperature (high current
> loads). The
> crimped joints won out, but not by a huge margin. I've switched to
> crimped
> and find they are a bit less trouble to make but take more care than
> soldering to get it right. With solder you probably have a better
> chance of
> getting a good joint - with crimping you can get a better joint if
> you do it
> right and a poorer joint if you do it wrong.
> Fred
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Robert Myers [mailto:robert at s-cars.org]
>   Sent: October 1, 2004 8:26 PM
>   To: Fred Munro; Kneale Brownson; s-car-list at audifans.com; Quattro
> list
>   Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: Bumfozzled yet again
>   From what I learned today, Fred, my new crimping technique involves
> stripping the two wire ends, slipping a piece of shrink-wrap over one
> and
> moving it back out of the way, twisting the wires together and then
> applying
> a nice hot soldering iron and some rosin core solder.  I listened to
> those
> outspoken proponents of crimped connections and allowed myself to
> become
> convinced that the technique works well.  Maybe it does for you but
> I'm
> POSITIVE that my soldered joints are secure.  I'm positive that
> crimps may
> be secure.
>   At 08:18 PM 10/1/2004 -0400, Fred Munro wrote:
>     When I'm crimping joints I always remove the plastic insulation
> and use
>     ratcheting crimpers designed for bare (uninsulated) terminals. I
> crimp
> in
>     two steps - the first step using the anvil for one terminal size
> larger
> to
>     set the terminal and the second step using the anvil for the
> terminal
> size.
>     The result usually isn't pretty but the terminal has definitely
> flowed
>     around the wire! I use heat shrink for insulating the joint.
>     Fred Munro
>     '94 S4
>   Bob
>   Random Bushism: "I do remain confident in Linda. She'll make a fine
> labor
> secretary. From what I've read in the press accounts, she's perfectly
> qualified." George W. Bush, Austin, Texas, Jan. 8, 2001
>   _____
>   Robert Myers  304-574-2372
>   Fayetteville, WV
>   urS6 - Cashmere Grey
>   _____
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