[s-cars] Re: Service interval reset

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Sun Oct 3 20:13:09 EDT 2004

I am surprised that folks in Colorado  are so quick to recommend 
VAG-COM (good tool, I have one) or, (shudder) the VAG 1551--translates 
as the dealer and $75 diagnostic charge for mine.  ShadeTree software 
in Boulder sells a good product for Audi diagnostics named PRO-DIAG.  
If you have the procedure for the reset from the Bentley repair manual, 
ie, channel # and km interval you want to use for your 95.5 S-6, there 
is one in the Springs (not a s-car lister) that might be available.  If 
he is in town and can help he'll contact you.

Tom '95 S6

On Saturday, October 2, 2004, at 21:17, Robert Deis

> You need to use the VAG-COM or a VAG 1551/1552 to reset the service
> light.

"Bummer. Anyone near Colo Springs have one and a few minutes?"

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