[s-cars] Re: Service interval reset

Igor Kessel KBATPO at comcast.net
Sun Oct 3 21:19:05 EDT 2004

northrup wrote:
> Can it really be that a TOOL is required to reset the service indicator? 
> On the '00 S4, a tool is not required, actually pretty much ever make or 
> model of car that I've owned allows for the service light to be reset 
> without the use of a special tool.  Generally there is a sequence of 
> either holdind down a button, or maybe pulling on a knob for ~10 seconds.
> wilson '00s4
> On Sun, 3 Oct 2004, Tom Green wrote:
>>I am surprised that folks in Colorado  are so quick to recommend 
>>VAG-COM (good tool, I have one) or, (shudder) the VAG 1551--translates 
>>as the dealer and $75 diagnostic charge for mine.  ShadeTree software 
>>in Boulder sells a good product for Audi diagnostics named PRO-DIAG.  
>>If you have the procedure for the reset from the Bentley repair manual, 
>>ie, channel # and km interval you want to use for your 95.5 S-6, there 
>>is one in the Springs (not a s-car lister) that might be available.  If 
>>he is in town and can help he'll contact you.
>>Tom '95 S6
>>On Saturday, October 2, 2004, at 21:17, Robert Deis
>>  wrote:
>>>You need to use the VAG-COM or a VAG 1551/1552 to reset the service
>>"Bummer. Anyone near Colo Springs have one and a few minutes?"

It depends.

My wife's 1998 A4 1.8t quattro could be reset with the odo button as per 
  the audiworld tech article.
My friend's 2001 A4 1.8t quattro could not be reset with the odo button 
as per the audiworld tech article and would require a VAG-COM.

Igor Kessel

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