[s-cars] RE: I made a HUGE mistake...

Bob Rossato bob.rossato at att.net
Tue Oct 5 11:51:33 EDT 2004

Sounds like the leak is at the feed/return line for the fuel rail.  Some other folks on the list have had this leak as well.  The one I recall for sure was Dan Simoes back when he used to have an S6.  This line is not part of the recall but if enough of them start leaking maybe some day....  May want to report it to NHTSA as a safety issue to start that ball rolling for whatever that's worth.

For now, you have a couple of options.  Buy a new line from the dealer, which won't be cheap.  The other option is to take the line to a local industrial hydraulic line supplier and they could rebuild the line for you with new crimps for a whole lot cheaper than the new Audi one will run you.  The line won't have the pre-bent "S" shape to it but it should be fine.


-------------- Original message from "evan at relivmaine.com" : -------------- 

> Some of you have come to me with the suggestion of getting the recall 
> done... However, I'm not sure if this is the same issue. The leak is on 
> the gas line on top of the engine, not on the side by the turbo. Also, I 
> called the local dealership a few months ago to have my ignition switch 
> covered by the recall and they said that my car had no pending recalls in 
> the computer from Audi after they ran my VIN. :-/ 
> When I drove the car home from work yesterday after discovering the leak, I 
> was plesantly surprised to find that it didn't leak at all after jamming 
> the hose into the fixture to see if that would help. Unfortunately this 
> morning as it was colder than it was yesterday and it was leaking all over 
> the place again. 
> -Evan 
> 95 //S6 Still Parked 

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