[s-cars] After market Warranty policies

Robert Welch Robert.Welch at TechnologyCrafters.com
Thu Oct 7 16:51:33 EDT 2004

About 18 months ago, quite a few of us cashed in on a great deal for
warranties on vintage 92 to 96 Scars.  

I'm now hoping someone out there can point me to a good company with
inexpensive rates.  I previously purchased 3 yr, 36k miles of coverage w/
zero deductible for $1850 from Accel.  They now are quoting $3800 for
similar coverage.

Can anyone suggest some better options?

I'm hoping to buy a replacement for our wrecked 95 S6 Avant.  The coverage
will be for that car.  The one I'm test driving today has less than 100k
miles which is typically the cutoff for most of these warranties.

Thanks a lot,

Robert Welch
93 S4
95.5 S6 Avant wrecked, but soon to be replaced with another 95 S6 Avant, I
Golden, CO

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