[s-cars] Extracting your car off a parking curb (was Need PN's or ??)

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Fri Oct 8 15:41:48 EDT 2004

Gentlemen:  I have done the Doh! a couple of  times but have never  
pulled the bumper completely off.  The trick is to realize what you are
 doing and stop before the damage is really bad.  Once, I moved ahead  
again and then had my passengers pull up on the front fenders (at the  
wheel well) while I slowly backed up.  The second time, I was by myself
 and there was a slight grade away from the parking curb.  I put the car in  
neutral (with the ebrake off), got out (left the drivers door open), opened  
the trunk and stood on the rear bumper.  Hanging on to the trunk lid, I  
then gently jumped up and down (did knee bends) and rocked the car until
 it came loose.  The grade was very gentle so I just had to jump off and  
go to the open door and pull the ebrake up.   


Dave F.

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