[s-cars] Road America pix

Airbil at aol.com Airbil at aol.com
Mon Oct 11 23:01:14 EDT 2004

from der alfa fest 04 at Road America.  


Hope this double reverse entre' into aol works ++

What a beautiful two days it was!
Pics more or less speak for themselves.
But note*
Windshield posted time of Carrera GT at 2:50
Official time of the S6 RS2 Avant 2:57
Irronical sign behind the days only carnage (the Acura RSx)
Yes I am part of the Clueless Racing team and often thought of as the most clueless.
54 IS my number.  Same as Tutty & Muldune.
Yes I have black window trim on drivers side and chrome on passengers.
Unheard here was the awesome sound of the Carrera GT:)
The avant more than held it's own even with a dummass but
improving driver such as myself.
My car now seems to have acquired the PizzoEvo option of the popping dipstick?
I suppose running 27psi at wot for 20 minutes has its price;)
Note on brakes-
I ran Ctex(Sachs)1155's upon 993tt rotors that were about used up anyway.
These are pretty much metal on metal.  No fade but rotors go
bye bye makes them not worth it IME.
Rotors are for sure used up.  Way used up!  
Note to self ~ get new rotors.
Car today still smells of burning brakes:)
This is a great event with plenty of track time amongst a 
nice variety of cars and as many old alfas as you will ever
see in one place.  There was some eye candy too as there may 
have possibly been a Rent A Grid Girl Or Sumthin (RAGGOS) place nearby?
Just when I thought I'd seen it all;)
Bill m


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