[s-cars] An S car moment

Frank Stadmeyer stadmef at ntplx.net
Tue Oct 12 22:42:13 EDT 2004

There's always Friday nite revelry at Uncle Paulie's, Oh Wait, I'll be 
busy putting in Eurolights.

  I"m sure there'll be SOME time for you boys to try it out!

Hey, between Pizzo, Taka and me we could have our own little Hot 
Minicar Shootout!

Of course Pizzo's already cheated by modifying his car so we'll have to 
handicap him.

On Oct 12, 2004, at 12:01 AM, mswanson at sonitrol.net wrote:

>> Marc
>> You screwed up big time!
>> The R32 has 3300 miles on it and I was home alone just washing and
>> waxing it this weekend.  Ski season is coming up and I'll be gone 
>> every
>> weekend then.
> Doh, Doh, Doh!
> As if my weekend couldn't have gotten any worse.. I was up in NH 
> attending
> a friend's wedding (that's a good thing) hitting on a very attractive 
> girl
> (also a good thing) only to find out that she's a lesbian (that's a bad
> thing.., well...).
>> You missed your big chance!  This coming weekend, I'm putting in new
>> patio doors in case you were wondering.
> Alright, well when you run out of mounting hardware and need to make a
> trip to the hardware store, that carries unobtanium screws (left hand
> thread), let me know.  You really didn't want to actually do WORK next
> weekend, did you?
> -Marc-


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