[s-cars] Re: RS2 definitive answers

Emre Washburn yumyjager at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 12:53:59 EDT 2004

Tom P. said
> been following the QSHIP/Mihnea RS t-bo banter and am absolutely LOVIN IT

I couldn't agree more! I hope they both debate their sides till they
are blue in the face, or fingers. I love to hear the reasoning and
theory from both sides, and then being able to make up my own mind as
to which theories or viewpoints i will take from which side of the

I'm sure both are professional enough to keep the debate at the
friendly level, and at the same time give all us n00bs a small view
into their extensive craft.

I'm having more fun reading this back and forth then all watching of
the Kerry v. Dub-ya debates of the past few weeks!

Thanks for the lessons guys!

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves to many!

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