[s-cars] What's that smell?

ROBIN STODDARD rstoddard at shaw.ca
Tue Oct 19 17:59:27 EDT 2004

Depending on how much time you have available; I would also recommend what Dave is suggesting and have someone else do the work.  Having had my car now out of commission for almost a year, I am beginning to think that maybe I should have kept scope to replacing only the clutch.  ;)

It's all the other great ideas for what you need to do to your car that kills you(while you are replacing the clutch, you might as well...).  Can you say scope creep!

Robin S.

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Forgie <forgied at ae.ca>
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:32 am
Subject: [s-cars] What's that smell?

> Chris:  Fried, slipping clutches smell like burning phenolic 
> plastic (e.g hot brake linings).  I learned this shortly after 
> buying my 93 S4 in 98  Tried a burn-out.  Wrong.  Tires stayed 
> glued to pavement.  Clutch spun instead.  "Dude, what's that smell?".
> I think you may be due a new clutch.  8 hrs labour and about $500 
> in parts for OEM Luk.
> Sorry.
> Dave F.
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